In 2021 Defterios begins his studio practice. His compositions are quickly placed in several emerging collections in the States and Europe. 

In 2022 Defterios founds Caprice Design, a brand and graphics studio.

In 2022 Defterios founds Archer Defterios Studio, the company supporting his work in the arts and furniture design. Defterios begins to work with notable private and public art collections. 

In 2023 Defterios graduates from the University of Southern California Roski School of Art and Design. 

In 2023 Defterios relocates his studio practice to the Arts District in Los Angeles, completing two significant bodies of work - Under Marble and the Explosion Paintings.

In 2024 Defterios relocates his studio practice to Hancock Park in Los Angeles.


Beryll Journal: Archer Defterios, 2023


Please direct all studio inquiries to Archer.

-> archer@capricework.com